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Work on Communication
Communication is at the heart of issues between parents and the child. Parents should ensure that they talk with the child head on and in a friendlier manner to avoid anger and frustration. Communicate about specific issues and listen to what the child says and make sure you observe where there will be a spike in emotion. Doing so will show you some clue to the crux of any matter if the child has not told you directly.
Set Rules and Guidelines
You must establish clear guidelines and rules for your child to help him or her understand the behavior that is acceptable. Do not wait until your child does something which you don't like and then punish him or her later. Ensure that the rules and guidelines are clear and effective from the start. Involve your child in establishing these rules and guidelines so that if he or she breaks the rules, the parent can remind him or her that he or she played a big role in setting these rules. Ensure these rules are simple.
Be Consistent with the Punishment
When the parent is angry, it is easy to make some rash judgments. It is advisable that parents should wait until they are calm to set any punishment for their children. They should also focus on short-term consequences which last for few hours or days. Be consistent so that your punishment may be effective.
Encourage Cooperation
As a parent, it is your duty to guide and teach your child effectively and not just to punish and lecture only. Praise any good behavior you see in your child. Positive reinforcement encourages good and excellent behavior by making the child feel good about your relationship. Choosing your battles is also important. Your child will feel more resistant to what you say if you lecture him or her about any perceived transgression. Parents should respect idiosyncrasies in their children and see how they can channel them. Ensure you go with natural gifts of the child and his or her characteristics. Help your child to respect, honor and embrace his or her differences.
Paul Beard